- An article questioning typical liberal logic and an article suggesting conservative voters are hopeless.
- An article criticizing preferential treatment for blacks and an article suggesting blacks may deserve slavery reparations.
- An article criticizing a unionized, government run company and an article criticizing big business practices.
- An article questioning whether gays should be able to adopt and questioning the merits of heterosexual adoption!
- An article defending gay marriage and an article criticizing a judge's ruling in favor of gay marriage.
- An article attacking a "defender" of blacks and an article showing how blacks were victimized by mortgage lending policies.
- An article supporting the deportation of illegal immigrants and an article defending aspects of the illegal friendly DREAM Act.
- An article praising Ann Coulter and an article showing how conservative presidents may not have been fiscally conservative.
- An article pointing out a flaw with IQ testing and an article highlighting the importance of Latinos' IQ scores.
- An article claiming women may be illogical voters and an article highlighting findings showing women "make a team smarter."
- An article claiming that Obama, a criticizer of the rich, is a pathological liar and an article outlining problems related to extremely rich people.
- An article criticizing Obama's anti-Americanism and an article praising Obama's anti-terror policies.
- An article exposing potential benefits of big government debt and an article showing that the same borrowed money is being used terribly.
- An article criticizing the government's handling of the debt crisis and an article criticizing the public's ideas about how to handle the debt crisis!
- An article criticizing rich people's theft from the middle class and an article criticizing Obama's "birth certificate."
- An article minimizing the US debt problem and an article criticizing George Bush Senior's handling of the debt.
Now, ask yourself this:
When was the last time you saw a news site that was so unbiased and balanced?
My guess is:
Stick with me! ;) Let's shake things up!
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