Daily News: Commentary and Insight - DAILY as of June 2011!
Aug 18, 2011 To Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the IMF: You are shockingly incorrect!
Aug 17, 2011 My first video upload: "Should everyone be allowed to vote?"
Aug 16, 2011 To NY Times economics reporter Catherine Rampell: America does not profit from "Made in China"!
Aug 15, 2011 Warren Buffett says to raise taxes on the rich. My "A-Ha!" moment: Are low taxes limiting productivity?
Aug 12, 2011 My first month's readership figures - Thank you for spending so much time on my site :)
Aug 11, 2011 I actually agree with someone who may be a pro-illegal immigration radical! Who would have thunk it? Also: I support the black candidate.
Aug 10, 2011 To banking analyst Dick Bove: Remember, the US government is not a company...
Aug 9, 2011 Matt Damon: How do you define "incentive"?
Aug 8, 2011 The stock market plunged 635 points today. Here's one reason why the collapse might get much worse...
Aug 7, 2011 Here are a couple more intense debates between readers and myself...
Aug 7, 2011 Here are a couple of intense debates between readers and myself...
Aug 6, 2011 S&P's downgrade of America is much more ominous than you think. I'm going on record with a prediction...
Aug 5, 2011 Have you ever seen a news site this unbiased?
Aug 4, 2011 The cause of an economic Depression can be summed up in one sentence...
Aug 1, 2011 Are my readers more intelligent than average, or less? Part Two
July 31, 2011 Are my readers more intelligent than average, or less? Part One
July 29, 2011 I've found another of those rare articles (mostly) deserving of praise...
July 28, 2011 When US students perform poorly on a test, the most obvious explanation is what? Also, exploring Latino intelligence...
July 26, 2011 US Postal Service: Hey, want to create a company? Let's lose money just so that we can overpay employees!
July 25, 2011 With his track record, how could Obama not be a pathological liar?
July 24, 2011 Are US laws written by a US government, or by foreigners? And how do you define a “Dream”?
July 23, 2011 Dear Bill Ford, executive chairman of Ford Motor Company: I have the solution for global gridlock!
July 22, 2011 Introducing: Logic's 'Liars'!
July 21, 2011 I found an article that is so good that I must praise it...
July 19, 2011 How can America be in debt from an expense she hasn't incurred?
July 18, 2011 Flashback to the Reagan debt ceiling negotiations!
July 17, 2011 To Rep. Jackson Lee: You can't race bait me!
July 16, 2011 Awww. Obama hurt China's feelings? It will take a lot more than hurt feelings to get even with China...
July 15, 2011 Does the American public have any good ideas for reducing the deficit? PART ONE
July 14, 2011 I hate to say it, but Obama may be right on this one...
July 12, 2011 Obama: Americans might not receive Social Security checks! Wait...didn't I predict this?
July 10, 2011 New report vindicates me: It's true. Black-friendly lending policies actually harmed them!
July 9, 2011 Are conservative American voters hopeless?
July 7, 2011 Cheating scandal vindicates me: It's true. American grades are inflated!
July 6, 2011 A debt management "expert" who doesn't understand credit cards?
July 5, 2001 "Not with a white girl"? Interracial dating views of the 74th smartest person in the world! PART ONE
July 2, 2011 The 69th greatest thing about America is whaaat?
July 1, 2011 Judges say preferential treatment is constitutional? Justice O'Connor is illogical!
Jun 30, 2011 Maybe the "immigrants rights" groups are the ones who need to be profiled and deported!
Jun 29, 2011 Were the American wars worth $4.7 trillion?
Jun 29, 2011 Is "Post-American World" author Fareed Zakaria a radical, or just clueless about immigration?
Jun 28, 2011 Do I have the solution for global gridlock? Let me shop this idea around...
Jun 26, 2011 New gender research backs up my claims about women!
Jun 25, 2011 Surprise! Obama's administration does something rational and of benefit to America!
Jun 24, 2011 Challenging a senior fellow at the CATO Institute: Legalizing marijuana may be a good move, but get your logic straight first!
Jun 23, 2011 One left wing radical disagrees with another? How often does that occur?
Jun 22, 2011 Challenging an employment lawyer regarding the Supreme Court's WalMart decision
Jun 20, 2011 New York State says murderers who were busboys and nannies are more desirable than other murderers?
Jun 22, 2011 Challenging an employment lawyer regarding the Supreme Court's WalMart decision
Jun 20, 2011 New York State says murderers who were busboys and nannies are more desirable than other murderers?
Jun 18, 2011 Casey Anthony trial: Is it a logical defense to invalidate something simply because it was "unheard of?"
Jun 15, 2011 California's Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Upheld: Observations By The 74th Smartest Person In The World
Jun 10, 2011 I Challenged Tim Wise
Nov 7, 2010 Obama's surprising anti-terror campaign
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